Beyond Utility: How Fashion Drives Consumer Tech Choices
Discover how IT fashion influences consumer tech choices, driving adoption through social status, novelty, and personal identity expression.
03/11/2025 | By Victoria Hernandez; Varun Grover
The Information Systems Department has an active and flourishing research program. We are driven by a common vision to have a significant global impact through excellence in research, teaching, and industry connection.
Discover how IT fashion influences consumer tech choices, driving adoption through social status, novelty, and personal identity expression.
03/11/2025 | By Victoria Hernandez; Varun Grover
E-governmental services promise efficiency for users, but information systems implementation does not always align with public values.
02/04/2025 | By Mitchell Simpson; Tamara Roth
One-size-fits-all communication after a data breach can further harm a firm's reputation. Instead, firms should adopt strategic responses to maintain trust.
01/21/2025 | By Kaslyn Tidmore; Varun Grover
Why do some apps fail in foreign markets? Examine how cultural distance and investor selection/diversity affects app success or failure abroad.
07/30/2024 | By Alyssa Riley; Varun Grover
System delays harm UX, job satisfaction, revenue, and learning complex material; new research explores why they affect your brain they way they do.
06/25/2024 | By Alyssa Riley; Kevin Harmon
The research found that after the pandemic, those who lacked relatedness browsed much more frequently and sourced both more information and materials.
05/22/2024 | By Nabiha Khetani, research by Varun Grover
Want patients to have make healthier choices? There's an app for that. But is it the right app? Improving app UX may help patients more than expected.
04/16/2024 | By Mitchell Simpson; Parvin Hashemi and Rajiv Sabherwal
The Association for Information Systems ranks ISYS 14th worldwide in faculty publications in FT50 journals over the last five years. Faculty collectively published 28 articles appearing in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and the Journal of Management Information Systems in that time.
Department faculty published 24 articles in the top two IS research journals (MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research) during 2016-2020.
The Association for Information Systems ranks Dr. Varun Grover 4th worldwide in faculty publications in the AIS journals over the last five years.
The department includes three of the top ten most cited (based on Google Scholar) faculty at the University of Arkansas: Dr. Grover, Dr. Lacity, and Dr. Sabherwal.
Drs. Varun Grover, Mary Lacity, and Rajiv Sabherwal are ranked as the top Business and Management scientists worldwide.
The department includes two winners of the AIS LEO Award (Dr. Varun Grover and Dr. Rajiv Sabherwal), a Fellow of IEEE (Dr. Rajiv Sabherwal), and four Fellows of the Association for Information Systems (Dr. Varun Grover, Dr. Mary Lacity, Dr. Shaila Miranda, and Dr. Rajiv Sabherwal).
Departmental faculty serve as senior editors, department editors, and editorial board members of journals such as MIS Quarterly, the Journal of Management Information Systems, the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and the Journal of Strategic Information Systems.
Queiroz, M. Anand, A., and Baird, A. (forthcoming) Manager Appraisal of AI Investments, Journal of Management Information Systems.
Soh, F., Setia, P., & Grover, V. (2024). Opening First-Party App Resources: Empirical Evidence of Free-Riding. Information Systems Research.
Bandodkar, N., Grover, V. (forthcoming). “Knowing What to Acquire in the Digital Technology Industry: Balancing Exploitation and Exploration for Superior Performance,” Journal of the Association of Information Systems.
Piccoli, G., Grover, V., Rodriguez, J. (2024). “Digital Transformation Requires Digital Resource Primacy: Clarification and Future Research Directions,” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 33(2), Article 101835.
Sabherwal, R., and Grover, V. (2024). “The Societal Impacts of Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Balanced Perspective,” Editorial Essay in Special Issue on AI for Knowledge Creation, Curation, and Consumption in Context, Journal of the Association of Information Systems, 25(1), pp.13-22.
Harmon, K. A., Lee, H., Khasraghi, B. J., Parmar, H. S., & Walden, E. A. (2024). Delays in information presentation lead to brain state switching, which degrades user performance, and there may not be much we can do about it. MIS Quarterly, 48(1), 273-298.
Schuetz, S., Kuai, L., Lacity, M., and Steelman, Z. (2024). A Qualitative Systematic Review of Trust in Technology. Journal of Information Technology.
Lacity, M., Schuetz, S., Kuai, L., and Steelman, Z. (2024). IT’s a Matter of Trust: Literature reviews and analyses of human trust in information technology, Journal of Information Technology.
Durcikova, A., Miranda, S.M., Jensen, M., and Wright, R. (forthcoming). “United We Stand, Divided We Fall: An Autogenic Perspective on Empowering Cybersecurity in Organizations,” MIS Quarterly.
Rieger, A., Roth, Tamara; Sedlmeir, Johannes; Fridgen, Gilbert; and Young, Amber (2024). "Organizational Identity Management Policies," Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 25(3), 522-527. DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00887
Stohr, A., Ollig, P., Keller, R., & Rieger, A. (2024). Generative mechanisms of AI implementation: A critical realist perspective on predictive maintenance. Information and Organization, 34(2), 100503.
Krancher, O., Sabherwal, R., Oshri, I., Kotlarsky, J. (2024 forthcoming). Digital Sourcing: A Discussion of Agential, Semiotic, Infrastructural, Combinatorial and Economic Shifts, Journal of Information Technology.
Soh Noume, F., Grover, V. (2023). “The Foreignness Liability for Mobile App Startups: Examining Performance in the Context of Consumer and Investor Cultural Distances,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 40(4), pp.1202-1236.
Lu, S., Tseng, S., Weathers, D., Grover, V. (2023). “How Product Review Voting is Influenced by Existing Votes, Consumer Involvement, Review Valence, and Review Diagnosticity,” Decision Support Systems, 172, #113981.
Lyytinen, K., Grover, V. (2023). “Not Only Data: The Necessity of Abstract Thinking to Make Sense of Digital Phenomena,” Journal of Information Technology, 38(1), pp.74–78.
Grover, V., Lyytinen, K. (2023). Response: “Innovative Theory in the Digital Age: Clarifying Our Positions,” Journal of Information Technology, 38(1), pp.79-82.
Baiyere, A., Grover, V., Lyytinen, K., Woerner, S., Gupta, A. (2023). “Digital-X: Charting a Path for Digital Themed Research,” Information Systems Research, 34(2), pp.463-486.
Grover, V. (2023). “Digital Agility: Responding to Digital Opportunities,” European Journal of Information Systems, 31 (6), pp.709-715.
Grover, V., Lyytinen, K. (2023). “The Pursuit of Innovative Theory in the Digital Age,” Journal of Information Technology (JIT), 38(1), pp.45–59.
Van Hoek, R., and Lacity, M. (2023). How Global Companies Use AI to Prevent Supply Chain Disruptions, Harvard Business Review.
Van Hoek, R., and Lacity, M. (2023). Procurement in the Age of Automation. Sloan Management Review, 65(3), Fall Issue.
Lacity, M., Mullins, J., and Kuai, L. (2023). Evolution of the Metaverse, MIS Quarterly Executive, 22(2), pp. 165-172.
Lacity, M., Carmel, E., Young, A., Roth, T. (2023). The Quiet Corner of Web 3 that means business. Sloan Management Review, 65(1), Spring Issue.
Ives, B., Lacity, M., and Ross (2023). Impacting Business Practice with Academic Research: The Legacy of F. Warren McFarlan, MIS Quarterly Executive, 22(4), pp. 191-204.
Nikkhah, H. R., & Grover, V. (2022). An empirical investigation of company response to data breaches. MIS Quarterly, 46(4), 2163-2196.
Sharma, P. N., Daniel, S., Chung, R., Grover, V. (2022). A Motivation-Hygiene Model of Open-Source Software Code Contribution and Growth. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, V23(1), 165-195.
Burleson, J., Grover, V., Thatcher, J., Sun, H. (2022). A Representation Theory Perspective on the Repurposing of Personal Technologies for Work-related Tasks. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(6), 1556-1589.
Miranda, S.M., Wang, D. and Tian, C. (2022). “Discursive Fields and the Diversity-Coherence Paradox: An Ecological Perspective on The Blockchain Community Discourse,” MIS Quarterly, 46(3): 1421-1451.
Miranda, S.M., Berente, N., Seidel, S., Safadi, H., and Burton-Jones, A. (2022). “Computationally-Intensive Theory Construction – A Primer for Authors and Reviewers,” MIS Quarterly, iii-xviii.
Tian, H., Grover V., Zhao J. (2021). The differential impact of types of app innovation on customer evaluation. Information and Management, 57(7).
Grover, V., Niederman, F. (2021). The Quest for Innovation in IS Research: Recognizing, Stimulating, and Promoting Novel and Useful Knowledge. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(6), 1753-1782.
Grover, V., Lyytinen, K. (2021). Special Issue Editorial: Strategies for Surviving and Thriving Within and Between Digital Platforms. MIS Quarterly Executive, Vol. 20, Issue 4, Article 4.
Lacity, M., and Van Hoek, R. (2021). How Walmart Canada Used Blockchain Technology to Reimagine Freight Invoice Processing. MIS Quarterly Executive, 20(3), pp. 1-15.
Lacity, M., and Van Hoek, R. (2021). What We’ve Learned So Far About Blockchain for Business, Sloan Management Review, 63(3), pp. 48-54. reprint #: 62310.
Lacity, M., Willcocks, L. (2021). Becoming Strategic with Intelligent Automation, MIS Quarterly Executive, 20(2), pp. 1-14.
Lacity, M., Willcocks, L., Gozman, D. (2021). Influencing Information Systems Practice: The Action Principles Approach applied to Robotic Process and Cognitive Automation, Journal of Information Technology, 36(3), 216-240.
Kane, G., Young, A. G., Majchrzak, A., Ransbotham, S. (2021). Avoiding an Oppressive Future of Machine Learning: A Design Theory for Emancipatory Assistants. MIS Quarterly, 45:1b.
Young, A. G., Majchrzak, A., Kane, G. (2021). Reflection on Writing a Theory Paper: How to Theorize for the Future. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(5), 1212-1223.
Anand, A., Sharma, R., Kohli, R. (2020). The Effects of Operational and Financial Performance Failure on BI&A-enabled Search Behaviors - A Theory of Performance-driven Search. Information Systems Research.
Carter M., Petter S., Grover, V., Thatcher J.B. (2020). Information Technology Identity: A Key Determinant of IT Feature and Exploratory Usage. MIS Quarterly, 44 (3).
Carter, M., Grover, V., Petter, S., Thatcher, J. (2020). IT Identity: A Measure and Empirical Investigation of its Utility to IS Research. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21(5).
Grover, V., Tian, H. (2020). The differential impact of types of app innovation on customer evaluation. Information and Management, Volume 57, Issue 7, 103358.
Grover, V., Lindberg, A., Benbasat, I., Lyytinen, K. (2020). The Perils and Promises of Big Data Research in Information Systems. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21(2).
Tams, S., Ahuja, M., Grover, V., Thatcher, J. (2020). Worker Stress in the Age of Mobile Technology: The Combined Effects of Interruption Overload and Worker Control. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 29(1), 10159.
Grover, V., Wang, E., Cheuh, L. (2020). IOS Drivers of Manufacturer-Supplier Flexibility and Manufacturer Agility. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 29(1), 101594.
Noume, F. L.S., Grover, V. (2020). Effect of Release Timing of App Innovations Based on Mobile Platform Innovations. Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(4).
van Hoek, R., Lacity, M. (2020). How the Pandemic Is Pushing Blockchain Forward. Harvard Business Review Online and Harvard Business Review, Issue, p. 52-53.
Venkatesh, V., Sykes, T., Zhang, X. (2020). ICT for Development in Rural India: A Longitudinal Study of Women’s Health Outcomes. MIS Quarterly, 44 (2), 605-629.
Sykes, T. (2020). Enterprise System Implementation and Employee Job Outcomes: Understanding the Role of Formal and Informal Support Structures Using the Job Strain Model. MIS Quarterly, 44 (4).
Young, A. G., Wigdor, A., Kane, G. (2020). The Gender Bias Tug-of-War in a Co-creation Community: Core-Periphery Tension on Wikipedia. Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(4).