The Marketing Department’s faculty are known for productive and abundant research,
often in partnership with doctoral students. Research topics span a wide variety of
respected journals and topics.
As brands strive for a strong social media presence, feuding with the competitors has become a quick and easy way to drive engagement. But could it backfire?
The formatting of loan applications has a profound influence on consumer borrowing decisions. New research examines the implications for borrower and lender.
How much do health labels matter when selecting the food we eat? Research shows how graphics and word choice influence consumers in supermarket selections.
Using the right mode of communication after you make a mistake is vital; it's especially so for salespeople wanting to repair relationships with customers.
Ashutosh Bhave, Sriharsha Kamatham, and Norris Bruce (2024), “Clashing on Social Media: Exploring
the Impact of Twitter Banter Among Competing Fast-Food Brands,” Journal of Social Media in Society, 13(1), 1-26.
Gregory Rybak, Scot Burton, and Christopher Berry (2024), “Reducing the Negative Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods:
Effects of Natural Claims, Organic Claims, and Processing Level Disclosures,” Journal of Business Research, 177 (April), 114588.
Mangus, Stephanie M., Huanhuan Shi, Judith Anne Garretson Folse, Eli Jones, and Shrihari Sridhar (2024), “Communicating with B2B Buyers after ‘Dropping
the Ball’: Using Digital and Non-Digital Communication Formats to Recover from Salesperson
Transgressions,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41 (2), 194-219.
Daniel Villanova and Ted Matherly (2024), “For Shame! Socially Unacceptable Brand Mentions on Social
Media Motivate Consumer Disengagement,” Journal of Marketing, 88 (2), 61-78.
Gregory Rybak, Daniel Villanova, Scot Burton, and Christopher Berry (2023), “Examining the Effects of Carbon Emission Information
on Restaurant Menu Items: Differential Effects of Positive Icons, Negative Icons,
and Numeric Disclosures on Consumer Perceptions and Restaurant Evaluations,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8 (July), 314-326.
Amaradri Mukherjee, Ronn J. Smith, and Scot Burton (2023), “The Effect of Positive Anticipatory Utility on Product Pre-Order Evaluations
and Choices,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51 (May), 551-569.
Gregory Rybak, Alicia M. Johnson, and Scot Burton (2023), “How Restaurant Ad Messaging Can Increase Patronage Intentions During the
COVID-19 Pandemic: Serial Mediation and Conditional Effects of Consumer Concern about
COVID-19,” Journal of Advertising, 52 (January), 145-156.
Jialie Chen and Vithala R. Rao (2023) “Evaluating Strategies for Promoting Retail Mobile Channel
Using a Hidden Markov Model,” Journal of Retailing, 99 (1), 66-84.
Mangus, Stephanie, Eli Jones, Judith Anne Garretson Folse, and Shrihari Sridhar (2023), “We Are Not on the Same Page: The Effects of Salesperson
Trust Overestimation on Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Performance,” Industrial Marketing Management, 109, 58-70.
Nguyen Thuy Trang, Steven W. Kopp, and Vo Hong Tu (2023), “Trade-Offs Between Economic and Environmental Efficiencies
in Shrimp Farming: Implications for Sustainable Agricultural Restructuring in the
Vietnamese Mekong Delta,” Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26 (February), 6677-6701.
Elyria Kemp, Myla Bui, and Steven W. Kopp (2023), “Healthcare Brands Sound Off: Evaluating the Influence of Sonic Branding
in Shaping Consumer Perceptions,” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 17 (3), 340-352.
Nguyen Thuy Trang, Steven W. Kopp, Vo Hong Tu, and Mitsuyasu Yabe (2023), “Urban Vietnamese Consumers' Willingness
to Pay for Sustainably Grown Rice,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 31 (4), 378-399.
Seyedjavad Mousavi, Surendra N. Singh, Promothesh Chatterjee, and Tamara Masters (2023), “Unveiling
Stars: How Graphical Displays of Online Consumer Ratings Affect Consumer Perception
and Judgment,” Journal of Marketing Research, 61 (2), 225-247.
Donald M Johnson., Lauren S. Simon, Christine M. Manno, Molly Rapert, and Steven J. Beaupre (2023), “Instructor Perceptions of Emergency Hybrid Teaching
During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 34 (3), 111-139.
Leah W. Smith, Randall L. Rose, Alexander R. Zablah, Heather McCullough, and Maryam Saljoughian
(2023), “Examining Post-Purchase Consumer Responses to Product Automation,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51 (September), 530-550.
Annika Abell, Leah W. Smith, and Dipayan Biswas (2023), “What’s in a 'Happy' Meal? The Effect of Smiley Faces
in Restaurant Logos on Price and Healthfulness Perceptions,” Journal of Advertising, 52 (2), 223-240.
Alicia M. Johnson, Daniel Villanova, and Robert J. Smith (2023), “Loan Amount Versus Monthly Payments: The Effect of
Loan Application Formats on Consumer Borrowing Decisions,” Journal of Consumer Research, 50 (4), 765-786.
Christopher Berry, Jermey Kees, and Scot Burton (2022), “Drivers of Data Quality in Advertising Research: Differences across MTurk
and Professional Panel Samples,” Journal of Advertising, 51 (3-4), 300-315.
Scot Burton (2022), “An Examination of Perceptions of Similarity to Cigarettes, Health Risk Perceptions,
and Willingness to Try Across Nicotine Vaping Products,” Nicotine Tobacco Research, 24 (July), 1120-1124.
Craig Andrews, Scot Burton, Gregory T. Gundlach, Ronald Paul Hill, Jeremy Kees, Richard G. Netemeyer, and Kristen
L. Walker (2022), “What Exactly Is Marketing and Public Policy? Insights for JPPM
Researchers,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 41 (1), 10-23.
Mangus, Stephanie, Dora Bock, Judith Anne Garretson Folse, and Eli Jones (2022), “The Comparative Effects of Gratitude and Indebtedness in
B2B Relationships,” Industrial Marketing Management, 103, 73-82.
Jeff B. Murray (2022), “Reflections on the Critical Imagination and Dreaming of the Postcritical
Imaginary,” Journal of Customer Behaviour, 21 (September), 147-157.
Gregory Rybak, Scot Burton, Alicia M. Johnson, and Christopher Berry (2021), “Promoted Claims on Food Product
Packaging: Comparing Direct and Indirect Effects of Processing and Nutrient Content
Claims,” Journal of Business Research, 135 (October), 464-479.
Craig Andrews, Richard G. Netemeyer, Scot Burton, and Jeremy Kees (2021), “What Consumers Actually Know: The Role of Objective Nutrition
Knowledge in Processing Stop Sign and Traffic Light Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labels,”
Journal of Business Research, 128 (May), 140-155.
Scot Burton, J. Craig Andrews, and Richard G. Netemeyer (2021), “Identifying and Selecting Effective
Graphic Health Warnings to Prevent Perceptual Wearout on Tobacco Packaging and in
Advertising,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 55 (2), 609-621.
Christopher Berry, Scot Burton, J. Craig Andrews, and Jeremy Kees (2021), “A Longitudinal Assessment of Corrective
Advertising Mandated in United States v. Philip Morris USA, Inc,” Journal of Business Ethics, 170 (2), 285-303.
Jialie Chen (2021), “A Structural Model of Purchases, Returns, and Return-Based Targeting Strategies,”
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (March) 1-17.
Jialie Chen and Vithala R. Rao (2021), “Measuring the Effects of Marketing Solicitations,” Customer Needs and Solutions 8 (September), 111–122.
Manfred Krafft, V. Kumar, Colleen Harmeling, Siddharth Singh, Ting Zhu, Jialie Chen, Tom Duncan, Whitney Fortin, and Erin Rosa (2021), “Insight is Power: Understanding
the Terms of the Consumer Firm Data Exchange,” Journal of Retailing, 97 (1), 133-149
Moffett, Jordan W., Judith Anne Garretson Folse, and Robert Palmatier (2021), “A Theory of Multiformat Communication: Mechanisms,
Dynamics, and Strategies,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49 (2), 444-461.
Moulard, Julie G., Randle Raggio, and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (2021), “Disentangling the Meanings of Brand Authenticity: The Entity-Reference Correspondence
Framework of Authenticity,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 96-118.
Vo Hong Tu, Steven W. Kopp, Nguyen Thuy Trang, Nguyen Bich Hong, and Mitsuyasu Yabe (2021), “Land Accumulation:
An Option for Improving Technical and Environmental Efficiencies of Rice Production
in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta,” Land Use Policy, 108 (September), 105678.
Vo Hong Tu, Steven W. Kopp, Nguyen Thuy Trang, Andreas Kontoleon, and Mitsuyasu Yabe (2021), “UK Consumers’
Preferences for Ethical Attributes of Floating Rice: Implications for Environmentally
Friendly Agriculture in Vietnam,” Sustainability, 13 (15), 8354-8370.
Jessica L. Darby, Brian S. Fugate, and Jeff B. Murray (2021), “The Role of Small and Medium Enterprise and Family Business Distinctions
in Decision-Making: Insights from the Farm Echelon,” Decision Sciences, 53 (3), 578-597.
Molly Rapert, Anastasia Thryoff, Sarah C. Grace, and J. Manuel Mejia (2021), “Emotional Awareness
in Time of Disruption: The Impact of Tolerance for Ambiguity, Worry, Perceived Stress,
Helpful Communication, and Past Experience on Student Satisfaction.” Marketing Education Review, 31 (3), 226-240.
Daniel Villanova, Amit V. Bodapati, Nancy M. Puccinelli, Michael Tsiros, Ronald C. Goodstein, Tarun
Kushwaha, Rajneesh Suri, Henry Ho, Rebecca Brandon, and Carl Hatfield (2021), “Retailer
Marketing Communications in the Digital Age: Getting the Right Message to the Right
Shopper at the Right Time,” Journal of Retailing, 97 (1), 116-132.
Joshua L. Wiener, Ellen, Pam Scholder, and Scot Burton (2020), “The Journal of Public Policy & Marketing in Our Turbulent Times: Foundations
Laid and Challenges Ahead,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 39 (October), 371-377.
Maura L. Scot, Kelly D. Martin, Joshua L. Wiener, Pam Scholder Ellen,and Scot Burton (2020), “The COVID-19 Pandemic at the Intersection of Marketing and Public Policy,”
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 39 (July), 257-267.
Jialie Chen and Vithala R. Rao (2020), “A Dynamic Model of Rational Addiction with Stockpiling
and Learning: An Empirical Examination of E-Cigarettes,” Management Science, 66 (12) 5886-5905.
Mangus, Stephanie, Eli Jones, Judith Anne Garretson Folse, and Shrihari Sridhar (2020), “The Interplay Between Business and Personal Trust
on Relationship Performance in Conditions of Market Turbulence,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(6), 1138-1155.
Mangus, Stephanie, Dora Bock, Eli Jones, and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (2020), “Examining the Effects of Mutual Information Sharing and Relationship Empathy:
A Social Penetration Theory Perspective,” Journal of Business Research, 109, 375-384.
Zeyenep Ozdamar Ertekin, Deniz Atik, and Jeff B. Murray (2020), "The Logic of Sustainability: Institutional Transformation Towards a More
Sustainable Fashion System," Journal of Marketing Management, 36 (15-16), 1447-1480.
Molly Rapert, Anastasia Thryoff, and Sarah C. Grace (2020), “The Generous Consumer: Interpersonal
Generosity and Pro-Social Dispositions as Antecedents to Cause-Related Purchase Intentions.”
Journal of Business Research, 132 (August), 838-847.
Molly Rapert and Amardi Mukherjee (2020), “Retail Safari: Walking the Retail Store with Buyers
and Suppliers,” Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education, 30 (2), 92-97.
Ashish Sharma, Anindita Chakravarty, and Chen Zou (2020), “Effect of Alliance Network Asymmetry
on Firm Performance and Risk,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (6), 74-94.
Leah W. Smith and Randall L. Rose (2020), “Service with a Smiley Face: Emojional Contagion in Digitally
Mediated Relationships,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37 (2), 301-319.
Daniel Villanova, Elise C. Ince, and Rajesh Bagchi (2020), “To Explain or Not: How Process Explanations
Impact Assessments of Predictors,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 26 (1), 144-157.
Cassandra Denise Davis and Scot Burton (2019), “Making Bad Look Good: The Counterpersuasive Effects of Natural Labels on
(Dangerous) Vice Goods,” Journal of Business Research, 104 (November), 271-282.
Ashley Cermin, Scot Burton, Christopher Berry, and Elizabeth Howlett (2019), “The Effects of the FTC-Mandated
Disclosure on Homeopathic Product Purchase Intentions and Efficacy Perceptions,” Journal of Business Research, 101 (August), 47-58.
Christopher Berry and Scot Burton (2019), “Reduced-Risk Warnings versus the U.S. FDA-Mandated Addiction Warning: The
Effects of E-Cigarette Warning Variations on Health Risk Perceptions,” Nicotine Tobacco Research, 21 (12), 1642-1650.
Craig Andrews, Darren Mays, Richard G. Netemeyer, Scot Burton, and Jeremy Kees (2019), “Effects of E-Cigarette Health Warnings and Modified Risk
Ad Claims on Adolescent Smoking Beliefs and Intentions,” Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 21 (6), 792-798.
Christopher Berry, Scot Burton, Elizabeth Howlett, and Christopher L. Newman (2019), “Understanding the Calorie
Labeling Paradox in Chain Restaurants: Why Menu Calorie Labeling Alone May Not Affect
Average Calories Ordered,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 38 (April), 192-213.
Scot Burton, Pam Scholder Ellen, and Joshua L. Wiener (2019), “A New Era at the Journal of Public
Policy & Marketing Begins,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 38 (January), 1-2.
Newman, Christopher L., Melissa D. Cinelli, Douglas Vorhies and Judith Anne Garretson Folse (2019), “Benefiting Few at the Expense of Many? Exclusive Promotions and Their Impact
on Untargeted Customers,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47, 76-96. (Nominated for Best Paper of the Year)
Fennell, Patrick, Matthew Lastner, Judith Anne Garretson Folse, Dan Hamilton Rice, and McDowell Porter III (2019), “I Guess That is Fair: How the
Efforts of Impact of Other Customers Influence Buyer Price Fairness Perceptions,” Psychology & Marketing, 36 (7), 700-715.
Vo Hong Tu, Nguyen Duy Can., Yoshifumi Takahashi, Steven W. Kopp, and Mitsuyasu Yabe (2019), “Technical and Environmental Efficiency of Eco-Friendly
Rice Production in the Upstream Region of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta,” Environment, Development and Sustainability, 21 (5), 2401-2424.
Steven W. Kopp and Elyria Kemp (2019), “Addie's Coffin: Consumption Decisions in Pursuit of An Appropriate
Death,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 36 (1), 64-71.
Jeff B. Murray and Zafeirenia Brokalaki (2019), “Resistance,” Journal of Customer Behavior, 18 (4), 343-352.
Joel Hietanen, Jeff B. Murray, and Henrikki Tikkanen (2019), “Seduced By 'Fakes': Producing the Excessive Interplay
Of Authentic/Counterfeit From A Baudrillardian Perspective,” Marketing Theory, 20 (1), 23-24.
Jessica L. Darby, Brian S. Fugate, and Jeff B. Murray (2019), “Interpretive Research: Alternative Approaches to Seeking Knowledge in Supply
Chain Management,” International Journal of Logistics Management, 30 (2), 395-413.
Ashish Sharma, Thomas E. DeCarlo, and Thomas Powers (2019), “Manager Directives for Salesperson
Ambidextrous Selling and Resulting Job Satisfaction: A Regulatory Focus Perspective,”
European Journal of Marketing, 55 (11), 3010-32.
Ashish Sharma, Son K. Lam, and Thomas E. DeCarlo (2019), “Salesperson Ambidexterity in Customer
Engagement: Do Customer Base Characteristics Matter?” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47, 659-680.
Daniel Villanova (2019), “The Extended Self, Product Valuation, and the Endowment Effect,” AMS Review, 9 (3-4), 357-371.
Scot Burton, Joshua L. Wiener, and Pam Scholder Ellen (2018), “Looking to the Future: The Evolving
Marketing and Public Policy Community,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 37 (Spring), 1-4.