Dean's Office Directory

Karen Boston
Karen Boston
(WCOB)-Walton College of Business
Senior Assistant Dean for Student Success
Chief Student Officer
Laura L. Cate
Laura L. Cate
(WCOB)-Walton College of Business
Chief of Staff
Alan E. Ellstrand
Alan E. Ellstrand
(WCOB)-Walton College of Business
Associate Dean for Curriculum Innovation & Teaching Effectiveness
Brian S. Fugate
Brian S. Fugate
(WCOB)-Walton College of Business
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Research, SCMT Department Chair and Professor
WJWH 546
Jeff Hood
Jeff Hood
(WCOB)-Walton College of Business
Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Accreditation
Andrea Morgan
Andrea Morgan
(WCOB)-Walton College of Business
Assistant to the Associate Deans
WCOB 301
Gary F. Peters
Gary F. Peters
(WCOB)-Walton College of Business
Senior Associate Dean
Mark Edward Power
Mark Edward Power
(UDEV)-University Development
Assistant Dean for Philanthropy
RCED 218
Tanya A. Russell
Tanya A. Russell
(WCOB)-Walton College of Business
Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration
Brent D. Williams
Brent D. Williams
(WCOB)-Walton College of Business
Sam M. Walton Endowed Leadership Chair