Research: Department of Supply Chain Management
Hartmut Hoehle, John Aloysius, Soheil Goodarzi, Viswanath Venkatesh. A Nomological
Network of Customers’ Privacy Perceptions: Linking Artifact Design to Shopping Efficiency
Barbara Flynn, Mark Pagell, Brian Fugate, (2018). Survey Research Design in Supply
Chain Management: The Need for Evolution in Our Expectations , 54 (1)
Misty Blessley, Saif Mir, Zach Zachariah, John Aloysius, (in press). Breaching Relational
Obligations in a Buyer-supplier Relationship: Feelings of Violation, Fairness Perceptions,
and Supplier Switching ,
Rodney Thomas, (in press). Investigating logistics service quality in omni-channel
retailing ,
Jason Miller, Susan Golicic, Brian Fugate, (2017). Developing and Testing a Dynamic
Theory of Motor Carrier Safety , 38 (2)
Beth Davis-Sramek, Brian Fugate, Richard Germain, (2017). Understanding the Present
by Examining the Past: The Effect of Imprinting on Strategic Supply Chain Outsourcing
in a Transition Economy , 53 (1)
David Hyatt, Nicholas Berente, (2017). Substantive or Symbolic Environmental Strategies?
Effects of External and Internal Normative Stakeholder Pressures , Business Strategy & the Environment 26 (8) : 1212-1234
Marat Davletshin, Brian Fugate, (2017). Blockchains and Trustless Supply Chains , Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals Academic Research Symposium
Marat Davletshin, Brian Fugate, (2017). Research Collaboration Networks in the Field
of Supply Chain Management , Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals Academic Research Symposium
Viswanath Venkatesh, John Aloysius, Hartmut Hoehle, Scot Burton, (2017). Design and
Evaluation of Auto-ID Enabled Shopping Assistance Artifacts: Two Retail Store Laboratory
Experiments , 41 (1) : 83-113
Hartmut Hoehle, John Aloysius, Frank Chan, Viswanath Venkatesh, (in press). Customers’
Tolerance for Validation in Omnichannel Retail Stores: Enabling Logistics and Supply
Chain Analytics ,
Saif Mir, John Aloysius, Stephanie Eckerd, (2017). Understanding Supplier Switching
Behavior: The Role of Psychological Contracts in a Competitive Setting , 53 (3) : 3-18
Jason Miller, Brian Fugate, Susan Golicic, (2017). How Organizations Respond to Information
Disclosure: Testing Alternative Longitudinal Performance Trajectories ,
Stephanie Thomas, Jacqueline Eastman, David Shepherd, Luther Denton, (in press). "A
Comparative Assessment of Win-Win and Win-Lose Negotiation Strategy Use on Supply
Chain Relational Outcomes ,
Annibal Sodero, Elliot Rabinovich, (2017). Demand and Revenue Management of Deteriorating
Inventory on the Internet: an Empirical Study of Flash Sales Markets , 38 (3) : 170-183
Andrew Spicer, David Hyatt, (2017). Walmart’s emergent low-cost sustainable product
strategy , California Management Review 59 (2) : 116-141
Donnie Williams, Stephanie Thomas, Sara Liao-Troth, (2017). “The Truck Driver Experience:
Identifying Psychological Stressors from the Voice of the Driver , 56 (1) : 54-76
David Swanson, Brent Williams, Jingping Gu, Matthew Waller, (2016). Full Steam Ahead:
Firms in the U.S. Economy Adjust Inventory Changes for Changes in Transportation But
Not the Reverse , 55 (3) : 282-295
Ayman Omar, Ivan Russo, Brian Fugate, (2016). Managing Relationships in Outsourced
Reverse Supply Chain Operations , 2016 European Research Seminar
Issam Moussaoui, Brent Williams, Christian Hofer, John Aloysius, Matthew Waller, (2016).
Drivers of Retail On-shelf Availability: Systematic Review, Critical Assessment, and
Reflections on the Road Ahead , 46 (5) : 516-535
Sandeep Goyal, Bill Hardgrave, John Aloysius, Nicole DeHoratius, (2016). The Effectiveness
of RFID in Backroom and Sales Floor Inventory Management , 27 (3) : 795-815
John Aloysius, Hartmut Hoehle, Soheil Goodarzi, Viswanath Venkatesh, (in press). Big
Data Initiatives in Retail Environments: Linking Service Process Perceptions to Shopping
Outcomes , Annals of Operations Research
Travis Tokar, Brent Williams, Brian Fugate, (2016). Online Shopper Behavior in Response
to a Delivery Carrier Upgrade and Subsequent Shipping Charge Increase , Production and Operations Management Society 27th Annual Conference
Marc Scott, Gerard Burke, Joseph Szmerekovsky, (in press). Do as I Do and Not as I
Say: Exploring Price-Oriented Maverick-Buying in Supplier Selection ,
John Aloysius, Cary Deck, Li Hao, Ryan French, (2016). An Experimental Investigation
of Procurement Auctions with Asymmetric Sellers , 25 (10) : 1763-1777
Rodney Thomas, Brian Fugate, Mertcan Tascioglu, Jessica Robinson, (2016). The Impact
of Environmental and Social Sustainability Practices on Sourcing Behavior , 46 (5)
Nada Sanders, Brian Fugate, Zach Zacharia, (2016). Interdisciplinary Research in SCM:
Through the Lens of the Behavioral Theory of the Firm ,
Yao Jin, Rodger Swanson, John Ozment, Matthew Waller, (in press). To Survive and Thrive
under Hypercompetition: An Exploratory Analysis of the Influence of Strategic Purity
on Truckload Motor Carrier Financial Performance ,
Adriana Hofer, Yao Jin, (2016). Dinâmicas de mercado e terceirizacao logística: Uma
análise de setores de manufatura nos EUA (Industry Dynamics and Logistics Outsourcing:
The US Manufacturing Case) , Revista Tecnologística (May/june) : 104-108
David Hyatt, Jonathan Johnson, (2016). Expanding boundaries: Environmental NGOs as
supply chain members , Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 4 (000093) : 14
Travis Tokar, John Aloysius, Matthew Waller, Doyle Hawkins, (2016). Exploring Framing
Effects in Inventory Control Decisions: Violations of Procedure Invariance , 25 (2) : 306-329
Amydee Fawcett, Yao Jin, Christian Hofer, Matthew Waller, Vitaly Brazhkin, (2016).
Sweating the Assets: Asset Leanness and Financial Performance in the Motor Carrier
Industry , 37 (1)
John Aloysius, Hartmut Hoehle, Viswanath Venkatesh, (2016). Exploiting Big Data for
Customer and Retailer Benefits: A Study of Emerging Mobile Checkout Scenarios , 36 (4) : 467-486
Jon Kirchoff, Ayman Omar, Brian Fugate, (2016). A Behavioral Theory of Sustainable
Supply Chain Management Decision Making in Non-exemplar Firms ,
Matthew Waller, Stanley Fawcett, Jonathan Johnson, (2015). The Luxury Paradox: How
Systems Thinking and Supply Chain Collaboration Can Bring Sustainability Into Mainstream
Practice , 36 (4) : 303-305
Beth Davis, Brian Fugate, (2015). Managing Supply Chain Relationships in a Capacity
Constrained Environment: An Operational Perspective , Springer International Publishing : 256–256
Beth Davis, Brian Fugate, Barbara Marshall, (2015). Functional/Dysfunctional Business-to-Business
Exchanges , Springer International Publishing : 325–325
Brian Fugate, Beth Davis, (2015). Feedback System Effectiveness on the MO-Performance
Link , Marketing, Technology and Customer Commitment in the New Economy : 283–288
Stephanie Thomas, Karl Manrodt, Jacqueline Eastman, (2015). The Impact of Relationship
History on Negotiation Strategy Expectations: A Theoretical Framework , 45 (8) : 794-813
Cuneyt Eroglu, Christian Hofer, Adriana Hofer, Adenekan Dedeke, (2015). A new way
to measure inventory leanness , CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly 9 (3) : 42-48
Simone Peinkofer, Terry Esper, Elizabeth Howlett, (in press). While Supplies Last
: The Impact of Restricted Sales Promotion on Consumer Response to Online Stockouts
Adriana Hofer, (2015). Are we in this together? The Dynamics and Performance Implications
of Dependence Asymmetry and Joint Dependence in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships
, 54 (4) : 438-472
Martin Dresner, Cuneyt Eroglu, Christian Hofer, Fabio Mendez, Kerry Tan, (2015). The
Impact of Gulf Carrier Competition on U.S. Airlines , Transportation Research: Part A 79 : 31-41
Yao Jin, Brent Williams, Matthew Waller, Adriana Hofer, (2015). Masking the Bullwhip
Effect in Retail: The Perils of Data Aggregation , 45 (8) : 814-830
Adriana Hofer, A. Knemeyer, Paul Murphy, (2015). Achieving and Exceeding Logistics
Outsourcing Expectations in Brazil: A Replication Study , 54 (3) : 339-367
Yao Jin, Brent Williams, Travis Tokar, Matthew Waller, (2015). Forecasting with Temporally
Aggregated Demand Signals in a Retail Supply Chain: A Reconciled Theory , 36 (2) : 199-211
R. Sousa, M. Amorim, E. Rabinovich, Annibal Sodero, , (2015). Customer Use of Virtual
Channels in Multichannel Services: Does Type of Activity Matter? , 46 (3) : 623–657
Ahren Johnson, John Kent, (2015). Fleet Manager Leadership and Personality Traits
, Annual Transportation Research Forum
Ha Ta, Terry Esper, Adriana Hofer, (2015). Business to Consumer (B2C) Collaboration:
Rethinking The Role of Consumers in Supply Chain Management , 36 (1) : 1-2
Adriana Hofer, Maria Barranechea, (2014). "Diferenças nas Práticas da Terceirização
Logística no Brasil e Estados Unidos: Perspectivas de Empresas Contratantes e PSLs"
(Differences in Logistics Outsourcing Practices in Brazil and United States: 3PL and
Shipper Perspectives") , Tecnologística Magazine March : 74-80
Terry Esper, Russell Crook, (2014). Supply Chain Resources: Advancing Theoretical
Foundations and Constructs , 50 (3)
Russell Crook, Terry Esper, (2014). Do Resources Aid in Supply Chain Functioning and
Management? Yes, But More (And More Precise) Research is Needed , 50 (3)
Rodney Thomas, (2014). Editorial: In Modern Supply Chains, the Soft Stuff is the Hard
Stuff , 44 (6)
Zach Zacharia, Nada Sanders, Brian Fugate, (2014). Evolving functional perspectives
within supply chain management , Journal of Supply Chain Management 50 (1) : 73–88
Amydee Fawcett, Adriana Hofer, Stanley Fawcett, (2014). Relational Strategies and
Firm Performance: Insights from an Orienting Conceptual Framework , 35 (2) : 151-152
Travis Tokar, John Aloysius, Matthew Waller, Brent Williams, (2014). Bracing for Demand
Shocks: An Experimental Investigation , 32 (4) : 205-216
John Bell, Randy Bradley, Brian Fugate, Benjamin Hazen, (2014). Logistics Information
System Evaluation: Assessing External Technology Integration and Supporting Organizational
Learning , Journal of Business Logistics 35 (4) : 338–358
Adriana Hofer, Ronn Smith, Paul Murphy, (2014). Spillover Effects of a Firm's Relationship
Marketing Orientation in the Logistics Triad , 25 (2) : 270-288
Annibal Sodero, Annibal Sodero, Y. Jin, (2014). Current State of Big Data Use in Retail
Supply Chains , Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals : 22 pages
Terry Esper, Randy Bradley, LaDonna Thornton, Rodney Thomas, (in press). Supply Chain
Citizenship: Investigating the Antecedents to Customer Interorganizational Citizenship
Behaviors ,
Cuneyt Eroglu, Christian Hofer, (2014). The effect of environmental dynamism on returns
to inventory leanness , 32 (6) : 347-356
Terry Esper, Monique Murfield, Terry Esper, (in press). The Role of Social Mechanisms
in Demand and Supply Integration: An Individual Network Perspective ,
Adriana Hofer, Christian Hofer, Matthew Waller, (2014). What Gets Suppliers to Play
and Who Gets the Pay? On the Antecedents and Outcomes of Collaboration in Retailer-Supplier
Dyads , 25 (2) : 226-244
Ila Manuj, Terry Esper, Ted Stank, (in press). Supply Chain Risk Management Approaches
Under Different Conditions of Risk ,
Ahren Johnston, John Kent, (2014). Teaching a Blended Supply Chain Management Course
to Marketing Majors , Atlantic Marketing Journal 3 (2) : 67-79
Annibal Sodero, Carolyn Shanks, (2014). Optmizing the Inbound Supply Chain Enables
Ecommerce Growth. White Paper. Supply Chain Management Research Center , : 10 pages
Rodney Thomas, Beth Davis-Sramek, Terry Esper, Monique Murfield, (in press). Attribution
Effects of Time Pressure in Retail Supply Chain Relationships: Moving from "what"
to "what" ,
Chad Autry, Brent Williams, Susan Golicic, (2014). Relational and Process Multiplexity
in Vertical Supply Chain Triads: An Exploration in the U.S. Restaurant Industry , 35 (1) : 52-70
Brent Williams, Matthew Waller, Sanjay Ahire, Gary Ferrier, (2014). Predicting Retailer
Orders with POS and Order Data: The Inventory Balance Effect , 232 (3) : 593-600
Rodger Swanson, Ronn Smith, (2013). A Path to a Public-Private Partnership: Commercial
Logistics Concepts Applied to Disaster Response , 34 (4) : 332-343
Stephanie Thomas, Rodney Thomas, Karl Manrodt, Stephen Rutner, (2013). An Experimental
Test of Negotiation Strategy Effects on Knowledge Sharing Behaviors in Buyer-Supplier
Relationships , 49 (2) : 96-113
Rodney Thomas, (2013). An Experimental Test of Negotiation Strategy Effects on Knowledge
Sharing Intentions in Buyer-Supplier Relationships , 49 (2) : 96-113
LaDonna Thornton, Terry Esper, Lane Morris, (2013). Exploring Counterproductive Behavior
in Supply Chain Relationships , 43 (9) : 786-804
Nada Sanders, Zach Zacharia, Brian Fugate, (2013). The interdisciplinary future of
supply chain management research , Decision Sciences 44 (3) : 413–429
Jacqueline Eastman, Rajesh Iyer, Stephanie Thomas, (2013). The Impact of Status Consumption
on Shopping Styles: An Exploratory Look at the Millennial Generation , Marketing Management Journal 23 (1) : 57-73
Brent Williams, Joseph Roh, Travis Tokar, Morgan Swink, (2013). Leveraging Supply
Chain Visibility for Responsiveness: The Moderating Role of Internal Integration , 31 (7/8) : 543-554
John Aloysius, Viswanath Venkatesh, (2013). Mobile Point-of-Sale and Loss Prevention:
An Assessment of Risk , Retail Industry Leaders Association
T.J. Kull, M. Barratt, Annibal Sodero, E. Rabinovich, Matthew Waller, (2013). Investigating
the Effects of Daily Inventory Record Inaccuracy in Multichannel Retailing. Bernard
J. La Londe Best Paper Award Finalist , 34 (3) : 189-208
Annibal Sodero, E. Rabinovich, R.K. Sinha, (2013). Drivers and Outcomes of Open-Standard
Interorganizational Information Systems Assimilation in High-Technology Supply Chains.
Special Issue on IT, Supply Chain and Services , 31 (6) : 330-344
Cuneyt Eroglu, Brent Williams, Matthew Waller, (2013). The Backroom Effect in Retail
Operations , 22 (4) : 915-923
Matthew Waller, (2013). The True Cost of Stockouts , Progressive Grocer
Bill Hardgrave, John Aloysius, Sandeep Goyal, (2013). RFID-enabled Visibility and
Retail Inventory Record Inaccuracy: Experiments in the Field , 22 (4) : 843-856
Matthew Waller, Stanley Fawcett, (2013). Data Science, Predictive Analytics, and Big
Data: A Revolution that will Transform Supply Chain Design and Management , 34 (2) : 77-84
John Aloysius, Cary Deck, Amy Farmer, (2013). Sequential Pricing of Multiple Products:
Leveraging Revealed Preferences of Retail Customers Online and with Auto-ID Technologies
, 24 (2) : 372-393
Stanley Fawcett, Matthew Waller, (2013). Inquiry and the Practice of Theoretical Conversation:
Engaging in Dialogue to Elaborate Hidden Connections , 34 (1) : 1-5
Robert Stassen, Matthew Waller, Yao Jin, (2013). Retailer Market Structure and Participation
in Promotions: Intertype Competition in Major Metro Markets ,
Laurel Cook, Ronn Smith, Yao Jin, (2013). CSR Dimensional Inequality: The Impact of
Corporate Social Responsibility Performance , 24 : 80-81
Zuozheng Wang, Christian Hofer, Martin Dresner, (2013). Financial condition, safety
investment and accident propensity in the US airline industry: A structural analysis
, 49 (1) : 24-32
Ted Stank, Terry Esper, T. Russell Crook, Chad Autry, (2012). Creating Relevant Value
through Demand and Supply Integration , 33 (2) : 167-172
Adriana Hofer, (2012). "O papel da capacitação logística na gestão do supply chain:
evidências no varejo" (The role of logistics capabilities in the management of supply
chains: evidence in the retail industry) , Revista Tecnologística 205 (December) : 50-55
Sara Liao-Troth, Stephanie Thomas, Stanley Fawcett, (2012). Twenty Years of IJLM:
Evolution in Research , 23 (1) : 4-30
Jacqueline Eastman, Rajesh Iyer, Stephanie Thomas, (2012). The Impact of Status Consumption
on Shopping Styles: An Exploratory Look at The Millennial Generation , Proceedings of the 2012 Society for Marketing Advances Conference
C. Shepherd, Stephanie Thomas, Donnie Williams, Sara Liao-Troth, (2012). Exploring
Job Burnout: Is There a Relationship with Truck Driver Turnover Intentions? , Proceedings of the 2012 Supply Chain Management Educator’s Conference.
Brian Fugate, Rodney Thomas, Susan Golicic, (2012). The impact of coping with time
pressure on boundary spanner collaborative behaviors , 42 (7) : 697–715
Matthew Waller, Stanley Fawcett, (2012). The Impact of Supply Chain Management Research:
You Can't Unring a Bell! , 33 (4) : 259-261
Susan Golicic, Brian Fugate, Donna Davis, (2012). Examining Market Information and
Brand Equity Through Resource-Advantage Theory: A Carrier Perspective , Journal of Business Logistics 33 (1) : 20–33
Ayman Omar, Beth Davis-Sramek, Brian Fugate, John Mentzer, (2012). Exploring the complex
social processes of organizational change: supply chain orientation from a manager’s
perspective , Journal of Business Logistics 33 (1) : 4–19
Kerry Melton, (2012). Utilizing Relay Points to Improve the Truckload Driving Job
, International Journal of Supply Chain Management 1 (2) : 1-10
Brian Fugate, Chad Autry, Beth Davis-Sramek, Richard Germain, (2012). Does knowledge
management facilitate logistics-based differentiation? the effect of global manufacturing
reach , International Journal of Production Economics 139 (2) : 496–509
John Aloysius, Cary Deck, Amy Farmer, (2012). Price Bundling in Competitive Markets
, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 11 : 661-672
Stanley Fawcett, Matthew Waller, (2012). Mitigating the Myopia of Dominant Logics:
On Differential Performance and Strategic Supply Chain Research , 33 (3) : 173-180
Adriana Hofer, A. Knemeyer, D. Murphy, (2012). The Roles of Procedural and Distributive
Justice in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships , 33 (3) : 196-209
Christian Hofer, Yao Jin, Rodger Swanson, Matthew Waller, Brent Williams, (2012).
The Impact of Key Retail Accounts on Supplier Performance: A Collaborative Perspective
of Resource Dependency Theory , 88 (3) : 412-420
Christian Hofer, Cuneyt Eroglu, Adriana Hofer, (2012). The Effect of Lean Production
On Financial Performance: The Mediating Role Of Inventories , 138 (2) : 242-253
Woohyun Cho, Robert Windle, Christian Hofer, (2012). Route Competition in Multi-Airport
Cities , 51 (3) : 265-288
Yao Jin, Ronn Smith, Laurel Cook, (2012). A Race to the Bottom? Consumer Responses
to Human Rights Performance , 22 : 61-62
Matthew Waller, Stanley Fawcett, Remko van Hoek, (2012). Thought Leaders and Thoughtful
Leaders: Advancing Logistics and Supply Chain Management , 33 (2) : 75-77
Matthew Waller, Stanley Fawcett, (2012). Mathematical Modeling in Logistics: In for
a Penny, in for a Pound , 33 (2) : 78-79
Travis Tokar, John Aloysius, Matthew Waller, (2012). Supply Chain Inventory Replenishment:
The Debiasing Effect of Declarative Knowledge , 43 (3) : 525-546
Matthew Waller, Stanley Fawcett, (2012). The Total Cost Concept of Logistics: One
of Many Fundamental Logistics Concepts Begging for Answers , 33 (1) : 1-3
John Aloysius, Cary Deck, Amy Farmer, (2012). A Comparison of Bundling and Sequential
Pricing in Competitive Markets: Experimental Evidence. , International Journal of the Economics of Business 19 (1) : 25-51
Christian Hofer, David Cantor, Jing Dai, (2012). The Competitive Determinants of a
Firm's Environmental Management Activities: Evidence from US Manufacturing Industries
, 30 (1-2) : 69-84
Rodney Thomas, Brian Fugate, Nevena Koukova, (2011). Coping with time pressure and
knowledge sharing in buyer–supplier relationships , Journal of Supply Chain Management 47 (3) : 22–42
Rodney Thomas, (2011). When Student Samples Make Sense in Logistics Research , 32 (3) : 286-289
Stanley Fawcett, Matthew Waller, (2011). Moving the Needle: Making a Contribution
When the Easy Questions Have Been Answered , 32 (4) : 291-295
C. Cliff Defee, Terry Esper, Ted Stank, (2011). Performance Implications of Transformational
Supply Chain Leadership and Followership , 40 (10) : 76-791
Travis Tokar, John Aloysius, Matthew Waller, Brent Williams, (2011). Retail Promotions
and Information Sharing in the Supply Chain: A Controlled Experiment , 22 : 5-25
J. Tom Mentzer, Terry Esper, (2011). Supply Chain Management Strategy , The Encyclopedia of Marketing, Wiley Publishing
Rodney Thomas, Terry Esper, Ted Stank, (2011). Coping with Time Pressure in Interfirm
Supply Chain Relationships , 40 : 414-423
Wesley Randall, Clifford Defee, Brian Gibson, Brent Williams, (2011). Retail Supply
Chain Management: Key Priorities and Practices , 22 (3) : 390-402
Adriana Hofer, Christian Hofer, Cuneyt Eroglu, Matthew Waller, (2011). An Institutional
Theoretic Perspective on Forces Driving Adoption of Lean Production Globally: China
Vis-À-Vis the United States , 22 (2) : 148-178
Cuneyt Eroglu, Christian Hofer, (2011). Inventory Types and Firm Performance: Vector
Autoregressive and Vector Error Correction Models , 32 (3) : 227-239
Rodney Thomas, Clifford Defee, Wesley Randall, Brent Williams, (2011). Assessing the
Managerial Relevance of Contemporary Supply Chain Management Research , 41 (7) : 655-667
Matthew Waller, Stanley Fawcett, (2011). Switching Our Lenses for New Perspectives:
A Prescription for Writing and Reviewing Out of Your Comfort Zone , 32 (3) : 209-213
Bill Hardgrave, Sandeep Goyal, John Aloysius, (2011). Improving Inventory Management
in the Retail Store: The Effectiveness of RFID Tagging across Product Categories , Operations Management Research 4 : 6-13
Cuneyt Eroglu, Brent Williams, Matthew Waller, (2011). Consumer-driven retail operations:
The moderating effects of consumer demand and case pack quantity ,
Cuneyt Eroglu, Christian Hofer, (2011). Lean, Leaner, Too Lean? the Inventory-Performance
Link Revisited , 29 (4) : 356-369
David Hyatt, (2011). The Sustainability Consortium: Large Scale Multi-Sector System
Innovation in Consumer Packaged Goods , Annual Review of Social Partnerships (6) : 9-10
John Kent, Mary Coulter, Ronald Coulter, (2011). Driver Safety and Motor Carrier Profitability:
Identifying and Understanding Drivers in the Fleet , 22 (1)
Stanley Fawcett, Matthew Waller, Donald Bowersox, (2011). Cinderella in the C-Suite:
Conducting Influential Research to Advance the Logistics and Supply Chain Disciplines
Brent Williams, Matthew Waller, (2011). Top-down vs. Bottom-up Demand Forecasts: The
Value of Shared Point-of-sale in the Retail Supply Chain , 32 (1)
John Ozment, Scott Keller, Evelyn Thomchick, (2011). The Future of Logistics Education
, 50 (1) : 65-83
Stanley Fawcett, Matthew Waller, (2011). Making Sense Out of Chaos: Why Theory is
Relevant to Supply Chain Research ,
Stanley Fawcett, Matthew Waller, Amydee Fawcett, (2010). ELLABORATING A DYNAMIC SYSTEMS
Brent Williams, Matthew Waller, (2010). Creating Order Forecasts: POS and Order History?
, 31 (2)
Brent Williams, Matthew Waller, (2010). Estimating a Retailer's Base Stock Level:
An Optimal Distribution Center Order Forecast Policy ,
H. Nachtmann, Matthew Waller, D. Rieske, (2010). The Impact of Point-of-sale Data
Inaccuracy and Inventory Record Data Errors , 31 (1)
Clifford Defee, Brent Williams, Wesley Randall, Rodney Thomas, (2010). An Inventory
of Theory in Logistics and SCM Research , 21 (3) : 404-489
Terry Esper, C. Cliff Defee, J. Tom Mentzer, (2010). A Strategic Framework of Supply
Chain Orientation , 21 (2) : 161-179
Rodney Thomas, (2010). Assessing the Managerial Relevance of Contemporary Supply Chain
Management Research , Proceedings of the Society for Marketing Advances 2010 Conference.
Rodney Thomas, (2010). “An Inventory of Theory in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Research , 21 (3) : 404-489
Terry Esper, Alexander Ellinger, Ted Stank, Dan Flint, Mark Moon, (2010). Demand and
Supply Integration: A Conceptual Framework of Value Creation Through Knowledge Management
, 38 (1) : 5-18
Rodney Thomas, Terry Esper, (2010). Exploring Relational Asymmetry in Retail Supply
Chains , 40 (6) : 475-494
Brian Fugate, John Mentzer, Theodore Stank, (2010). Logistics performance: efficiency,
effectiveness, and differentiation , Journal of Business Logistics 31 (1) : 43–62
C Clifford Defee, Brian Fugate, (2010). Changing perspective of capabilities in the
dynamic supply chain era , The International Journal of Logistics Management 21 (2) : 180–206
Rodney Thomas, Terry Esper, Ted Stank, (2010). Testing the Effects of Time Pressure
in Retail Supply Chain Relationships , 86 (4) : 386-400
Rodney Thomas, (2010). Total Trust and Trust Asymmetry: Does Trust Need to be Equally
Distributed in Interfirm Relationships? , Journal of Relationship Marketing 9 (1) : 43-53
Scott Keller, M. Voss, John Ozment, (2010). A Step Toward Defining a Customer-Centric
Taxonomy for Managing Logistics Personnel , 31 (2) : 195-214
Adriana Hofer, Michael Knemeyer, Paul Murphy, (2010). "Pesquisa estuda efeitos culturais
na formação da lealdade na terceirização logística" (Cultural Effects on Loyalty Formation
in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: Brazil, U.S., and Germany) , Revista Tecnologística 175 (June) : 132-141
Allen Schaefer, R. Stephen Parker, John Kent, (2010). A Comparison of American and
Chinese Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Athlete Celebrity Endorsers , Journal of Sport Administration and Supervision 2 (1)
Matthew Waller, Brent Williams, Andrea Tangari, Scot Burton, (2010). Marketing at
the Retail Shelf: An Examination of Moderating Effects of Logistics on SKU Market
Share , 38 (spring) : 105-117
M. Barratt, E. Rabinovich, Annibal Sodero, (2010). Inventory Accuracy: Essential,
but Often Overlooked , Supply Chain Management Review : 36-47
Christian Hofer, Cuneyt Eroglu, Christian Hofer, (2010). Investigating the effects
of economies of scope on firms’ pricing behavior: Empirical evidence from the US domestic
airline industry , Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 46 (1) : 109-119
C. Cliff Defee, Terry Esper, Diane Mollenkopf, (2009). Leveraging Closed-Loop Orientation
and Leadership for Environmental Sustainability , Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 14 (2) : 87-98
Brian Fugate, Beth Davis-Sramek, Thomas Goldsby, (2009). Operational collaboration
between shippers and carriers in the transportation industry , The International Journal of Logistics Management 20 (3) : 425–447
Brian Fugate, Theodore Stank, John Mentzer, (2009). Linking improved knowledge management
to operational and organizational performance , Journal of Operations Management 27 (3) : 247–264
C. Cliff Defee, Ted Stank, Terry Esper, J. Tom Mentzer, (2009). The Role of Followers
in Supply Chains , 30 (2) : 65-84
Bill Hardgrave, John Aloysius, Sandeep Goyal, (2009). Does RFID Improve Inventory
Accuracy? A Preliminary Analysis , International Journal of RF Technologies 1 (1) : 44-56
Adriana Hofer, A. Knemeyer, (2009). Controlling for Logistics Complexity: Scale Development
and Validation , 20 (2) : 187-200
Matthew Waller, (2009). Savings Drive Sustainability , The Morning News
Adriana Hofer, A. Knemeyer, Martin Dresner, (2009). Antecedents and Dimensions of
Partnering Behavior in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships , 30 (2) : 141-159
Jorge Brusa, Wayne Lee, Carole Shook, (2009). Golden Parachutes, Managerial Incentives,
and Shareholder Wealth , Managerial Finance 35 ( 4) : 346 - 356
Christian Hofer, M Dresner, R Windle, (2009). The Impact of Airline Financial Distress
on U.S. Air Fares: A Contingency Approach , Transportation Research: Part E (The Logistics and Transportation Review) 45E (1) : 238-249
John Mello, Ted Stank, Terry Esper, (2008). A Model of Logistics Outsourcing Strategy
, 47 (4) : 5-25
J. Tom Mentzer, Ted Stank, Terry Esper, (2008). Supply Chain Management and its Relationship
to Logistics, Marketing, Production, and Operations Management , 29 (1) : 31-46
Terry Esper, Brian Fugate, Molly Rapert, (2008). Enhancing Relationships Within Groups:
the Impact of Role Perceptions within Logistics Teams , Journal of Relationship Marketing 7 (2) : 121-150
Terry Esper, Brian Fugate, Molly Rapert, (2008). Enhancing Relationships Within Groups:
The Impact of Role Perceptions Within Logistics Teams , Journal of Relationship Marketing 7 (2) : 121–150
Rodney Thomas, (2008). Exploring Relational Aspects of Time-Based Competition , 38 (7) : 540-550
Brent Williams, Travis Tokar, (2008). A Review of Inventory Management Research in
Major Logistics Journals: Themes and Future Directions , 19 (2) : 212-232
Brian Fugate, Daniel Flint, Johan Mentzer, (2008). The role of logistics in market
orientation , Journal of Business Logistics 29 (2) : 1–26
J. Rice, Matthew Waller, (2008). How to Make 'Made in China' Less Alarming , The Financial Times
Christian Hofer, R Windle, M Dresner, (2008). Price Premiums and Low-Cost Carrier
Competition , Transportation Research: Part E (The Logistics and Transportation Review) 44 (5) : 864-882
Matthew Waller, Brent Williams, Cuneyt Eroglu, Mike Crum, (2008). Hidden Effects of
Variable Order Review Intervals in Inventory Control , 38 (3) : 244-258
Bill Hardgrave, Simon Langford, Matthew Waller, Robert Miller, (2008). Measuring the
Impact of RFID on Out-of-Stocks at Wal-Mart" , 7 (4) : 181-192
J. Rice, Matthew Waller, (2008). Playing Chicken with Trade , The Wall Street Journal-Asia
Matthew Waller, Andrea Tangari, Brent Williams, (2008). Case Pack Quantity's Effect
on Retail Market Share: An Examination of the Backroom Logistics Effect and the Fill
Rate Effect , 38 (6) : 436-451
John Kent, Carlo Smith, Keith Grant, (2008). Investigation of Methodologies Used by
Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) Motor Carriers to Determine Fuel Surcharges , 19 (1)
Diana Haytko, John Kent, Angela Hausman, (2007). An Assessment of Factors Affecting
Fleet Fuel Performance , 18 (2)
Beth Davis-Sramek, Brian Fugate, (2007). State of logistics: a visionary perspective
, Journal of Business Logistics 28 (2) : 1–34
Beth Davis-Sramek, Brian Fugate, Ayman Omar, (2007). Functional/dysfunctional supply
chain exchanges , International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 37 (1) : 43–63
John Mello, Terry Esper, (2007). S&OP and the Knowledge Creating Company , Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting Summer (7) : 23-27
Terry Esper, Brian Fugate, Beth Davis-Sramek, (2007). Logistics learning capability:
sustaining the competitive advantage gained through logistics leverage , Journal of Business Logistics 28 (2) : 57–82
Terry Esper, Brian Fugate, Beth Davis-Sramek, (2007). Logistics Learning Capability:
Sustaining the Competitive Advantage Gained from Logistics Leverage , 28 (2) : 57-82
Carlo Smith, John Kent, Cory Roberts, (2007). An Assessment of Factors Affecting Fleet
Fuel Performance , 18 (2)
John Aloysius, (2007). Decision Making in the Short and Long Run: Repeated Gambles
and Rationality , British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 60 (1) : 61-69
Brian Fugate, (2006). The Role of Logistics in the Market Orientation Process
Matthew Waller, Heather Nachtmann, Justin Hunter, Matthew Waller, (2006). Measuring
the Impact of Inaccurate Inventory Information on a Retail Outlet , 17 (3) : 355-376
Carlo Smith, John Kent, (2006). Establishing a Motor Carrier Research Agenda , 17 (2)
Matthew Waller, C.R. Cassady, John Ozment, (2006). Impact of Cross Docking on Inventory
in a Decentralized Retail Supply Chain , Transportation Research: Part E (The Logistics and Transportation Review) 42 : 359-382
Brian Fugate, Funda Sahin, John Mentzer, (2006). Supply chain management coordination
mechanisms , Journal of Business Logistics 27 (2) : 129–161
Srini Venkatraman, John Aloysius, Fred Davis, (2006). Multiple Prospect Framing and
Decision Behavior: The Mediational Roles of Perceived Riskiness and Perceived Ambiguity
, 1 (101) : 59-73
John Aloysius, Fred Davis, A. Ross Taylor, Darryl Wilson, Jeffrey Kottemann, (2006).
User Acceptance of Multi-Criteria Decision Support Systems: The Impact of Preference
Elicitation Techniques , 169 : 273-285
John Kent, Carlo Smith, (2005). Shipper Selection Criteria: Differences Among Truckload
Motor Carrier Offerings , 16 (2)
Christian Hofer, M Dresner, R Windle, (2005). Financial Distress and U.S. Airline
Fares , Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 39 (3) : 323-340
Theodore Stank, Beth Davis, Brian Fugate, (2005). A strategic framework for supply
chain oriented logistics , Journal of Business Logistics 26 (2) : 27–46
John Aloysius, (2005). Ambiguity Aversion and the Equity Premium Puzzle: A Re-examination
of Experimental Data on Repeated Gambles , Journal of Socio-Economics 43 : 635-655
Brian Fugate, John Mentzer, (2004). DELL’S SUPPLY CHAIN DNA. , SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT REVIEW, V. 8, NO. 7 (OCT. 2004), P. 20-24: ILL 8 (7)
A. Angulo, H. Nachtmann, Matthew Waller, (2004). Supply chain information sharing
in a vendor managed inventory partnership. , Journal of Business Logistics 25 (1) : 101-120
Adriana Hofer, Martin Dresner, (2004). Impacts of the September 11th Security Fee
and Passenger Wait Time on Traffic Diversion and Highway Fatalities , Journal of Air Transport Management 10 : 225-230
S. Rutner, Matthew Waller, T. Mentzer, (2004). A Practical Look at RFID , Supply Chain Management Review : 36
Karl Manrodt, John Kent, R. Stephen Parker, (2003). Operational Implications Of Mobile
Communications In The Motor Carrier Industry , 42 (3)
Terry Esper, Thomas Jensen, Scot Burton, Fernanda Turnipseed, (2003). The Last Mile:
An Examination of Effects Of Online Retail Delivery Strategies On Consumers , 24 (2) : 177-203
Terry Esper, Lisa Williams, (2003). The Value of Collaborative Transportation Management
(CTM): Its Relationship to Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR)
and The Role of Information Technology (IT) , 42 (4) : 55-65
John Kent, John Mentzer, (2003). The Effect of Investment in Interorganizational Information
Technology in a Retail Supply Chain , 24 (2)
R. Stephen Parker, Charles Pettijohn, Linda Pettijohn, John Kent, (2003). An Analysis
of Customer Perceptions: Factory Outlet Malls Versus Traditional Department Stores
, Marketing Management Journal 13 (2)
John Aloysius, (2003). Rational Escalation of Costs by Playing a Sequence of Unfavorable
Gambles: The Martingale , 51 (1) : 111-129
John Kent, Stephen Parker, Allen Schaefer, (2003). Shippers Usage of Electronic Marketplaces
in the Trucking Industry , 14 (1)
Lisa Williams, Terry Esper, John Ozment, (2002). The Electronic Supply Chain: Its
Impact on the Current and Future Structure of Strategic Alliances, Partnerships and
Logistics Leadership , 32 (8) : 703-719
R Stassen, Matthew Waller, (2002). Logistics and Assortment Depth in the Retail Supply
Chain : Evidence from Grocery Categories , 23 (1) : 125-143
Charles Pettijohn, Stephen Parker, John Kent, (2002). Developing the Buyer-Friendly
Transportation Salesperson: An Empirical Analysis of the Most Important Seller Traits
and Behaviors from the Transportation Buyer’s Perspective , 13 (2)
John Aloysius, (2002). Research Joint Ventures: A Cooperative Game for Competitors
, 136 (3) : 591-602
Matthew Waller, E.F. Dulaney, (2002). System, Method and Article of Manufacture to
Optimize Inventory and Merchandising Shelf Space Utilization - Patent , Patent No. US 6,341,269 B1
Linda Pettijohn, R. Stephen Parker, Charles Pettijohn, John Kent, (2001). Performance
Appraisals: Usage, Criteria and Observations , Journal of Management Development 20
John Kent, Stephen Parker, Robert Luke, (2001). An Empirical Examination of Shipper
Perceptions of Service/Selection Attributes in Five Truckload Industry Segments , 41 (1)
R. Stephen Parker, John Kent, Thomas Brown, (2001). The Perceived Importance of Statistics
in the Logistics and Transportation Industry: Planning the Statistics Curriculum , 76 (4)
Matthew Waller, P. A. Dabholkar, Julie Gentry, (2000). Postponement, product latitude
and market-oriented supply chain management. , Journal of Business Logistics 21 (2) : 133-160
R. Stephen Parker, John Kent, Karl Manrodt, (2000). The Use of Mobile Communications
Systems in the Trucking Industry , 12 (1)
John Kent, R. Stephen Parker, (1999). International Containership Carrier Selection
Criteria: Shippers/Carriers Differences , 29 (6) : 398-408
John Mentzer, John Kent, (1999). Forecasting Demand in the Longaberger Company , Marketing Management 8 (2) : 46-50
John Kent, John Mentzer, (1999). Issues and Opportunities for Logistics Research in
International Marketing , 9 (1) : 46-50
Allen Schaefer, Daniel Crafts, John Kent, (1999). Relative Importance of Distributor
Selection Criteria to Independent Restaurant Operators , Journal of Food Service Marketing 3 (3/4)
R. Stephen Parker, John Kent, (1999). The Use of Research in the Formulation of Church
Marketing Strategies , Journal of Ministry Marketing and Management 5 (1) : 37-49
John Kent, R. Stephen Parker, Charles Pettijohn, (1999). Truckload Transportation
Requirements: In Anticipation of Y2K With Epilogue , 11 (2)
Matthew Waller, EM JOHNSON, T DAVIS, (1999). Vendor Managed Inventory in the Retail
Supply Chain. , Journal of Business Logistics 20 (1) : 183-204
John Aloysius, Edward Rosenthal, (1999). The Selection of Joint Projects by a Consortium:
Cost Sharing Mechanisms , 50 (12) : 1244-1251
John Mentzer, Dan Flint, John Kent, (1999). Developing a Logistics Service Quality
Scale , 20 (1) : 9-32
John Aloysius, (1999). Membership in a Research Consortium: The Project Selection
Game , 40 (3) : 325-336
John Kent, R. Stephen Parker, Charles Pettijohn, (1999). Planning to Beat the Y2K
Bug: Expect Spike in Demand – But No Apocalypse , Traffic World
John Aloysius, (1999). Risk Aggregation and the Efficient Selection of Joint Projects
by a Consortium , 27 (3) : 389-396
R. Stephen Parker, John Kent, (1998). Determinant Criteria in the Ocean Carrier Selection
Process , 10 (2) : 57-64
Kerry Melton, (1997). A Statistical Process Control Approach to Process Diagnosis
in Discrete Manufacturing Environments , International Journal of Quality Science 2 (2) : 234-259
John Mentzer, Mark Moon, John Kent, Carlo Smith, (1997). The Need for a Forecasting
Champion, , Journal of Business Forecasting 16 (3) : 3-8
John Kent, Dan Flint, (1997). Perspectives on the Evolution of Logistics Thought , 18 (2) : 15-29
Stephen Rutner, Brian Gibson, John Kent, (1997). Enhancing Learning in Logistics and
Transportation Using a Microcomputer , Defense Transportation Journal 53 (5)
Matthew Waller, D FLANAGAN, S DESHPANDE, (1996). A Logistic Regression Analysis of
Union Elections in Warehousing. , Journal of Business Logistics 17 (1) : 179-190
John Kent, (1996). Leverage: Interfunctional Coordination Between Logistics and Information
Technology , International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 26 (8) : 63-78
Matthew Waller, S AHIRE, (1996). Management perception of the link between product
quality and customers' view of product quality. , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT 16 (9) : 23
S AHIRE, Matthew Waller, D GOLHAR, (1996). Quality Management in TQM versus Non-TQM
Firms: An Empirical Investigation. , International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management 13 (8)
SL AHIRE, DY GOLHAR, Matthew Waller, (1996). Development and validation of TQM implementation
constructs. , DECISION SCIENCES 27 (1) : 23-56
Matthew Waller, RA NOVACK, (1995). The Effects of Judgmental Structure, Complexity,
and Consistency on Managerial Performance, , Journal of Business Logistics 16 (2) : 137-152
Matthew Waller, D WOOLSEY, R SEAKER, (1995). Reengineering Order Fulfillment. , International Journal of Logistics Management 6 (2)
DJ FLANAGAN, Matthew Waller, SP DESHPANDE, (1995). An empirical study of union elections
in motor carriage. , LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW 31 (4) : 341-352
S AHIRE, Matthew Waller, (1994). Incremental and Breakthrough Process Improvement:
An Integrative Framework, , The International Journal of Logistics Management 5 (1) : 19-32
SC DUNN, RF SEAKER, Matthew Waller, (1994). Latent Variables in Business Logistics
Research: Scale Development and Validation, , Journal of Business Logistics 15 (2) : 145-172
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FreightWavesNOW Appearances
- “Are we in a growth spurt in manufacturing and distribution?” (1/26/2023)
- “How should you manage your supply chain in tougher economic times?” (9/29/2022)
- “Russia-Ukraine - how it affects the world” (7/25/2022)
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