WISE: Women Impacting Supply Chain Excellence

Women Impacting Supply Chain Excellence (WISE) is a Department of Supply Chain Management organization for students with the primary purpose of promoting the field of supply chain management/logistics.

Promoting Inclusion in Supply Chain Management

WISE promotes the field by:

  • sparking an interest in supply chain management/logistics to a diverse group of students

  • serving as a networking and mentoring opportunity with high-level industry members from well-known corporations serving in WISE's executive branch

  • offering career-based advice and knowledge from the perspective of both female executives in the industry and student peers with internship/industry experience

  • encouraging the discussion and understanding of challenges pertaining to gender diversity in the supply chain industry

WISE membership is not exclusive to female students and, in fact, welcomes male students who support female involvement in the field of logistics. WISE membership is also open to anyone with an interest in learning more about the field of supply chain management, regardless of their major.


Four Strategic Initiatives of WISE

All activities and events for WISE members are based on four strategic initiatives:

  1. making connections
  2. professional development
  3. leadership skills
  4. industry knowledge

Each of these initiatives helps ensure that WISE members are prepared for their future careers.



2022 WISE Future Leaders Symposium

The WISE (Women Impacting Supply Chain Excellence) student organization at the University of Arkansas is excited to be hosting this event! Female supply chain students from outstanding supply chain programs across the U.S. will come together at the Sam M. Walton College of Business on the beautiful University of Arkansas campus to build a nationwide network of future female supply chain leaders in addition to meeting some of today’s female supply chain leaders!

2022 Digital Program WISE Legends Exhibit Watch: WISE Legends Exhibit 2023 WISE Ulta Event Program

Stephanie Thomas, faculty adviser, WISEMeet Our Faculty Advisor

Stephanie Thomas, clinical assistant professor in the Department of Supply Chain Management, earned her Ph.D. in Logistics/Supply Chain Management with a marketing support area from Georgia Southern University and a B.A. and M.B.A. from the University of Tennessee. Prior to coming to the University of Arkansas, she was an assistant professor at Texas Tech University.

Dr. Thomas teaches SCMT 2103: Integrated Supply Chain Management, which is designed to give Walton students a broad overview of the exciting world of supply chain management and logistics. She enjoys incorporating her previous work experience with Lowe's Companies, IBM and Stanley Tools in her class discussions. She was also recently named one of the Top 100 Most Influential Women in Supply Chain by B2G Consulting.

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