Sustainability Spotlight: The Graduate Net Impact Chapter

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April 5 , 2021  |  By Hannah Lee

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Full-time MBA students Madison Holden, Alana Collins and Meritt Rae share their experiences with the Graduate Net Impact chapter, a global organization that serves to connect students with sustainability concepts and professionals in the sustainability world.

Net Impact is a global organization committed to inspiring and equipping emerging leaders to build a more just and sustainable world.

Made up of more than 435 chapters, Net Impact empowers a new generation to drive social and environmental change throughout their careers. The volunteer-led chapter leads change by creating a like-minded community and providing events and programs that support members who aim to use business as a force for environmental and social impact.

Madison Holden

The Graduate Net Impact chapter at the University of Arkansas was founded by president and full-time MBA student Madison Holden. Holden chose to expand the MBA Net Impact chapter to all graduate students, saying, “The diversity of viewpoints and experiences is so essential for sustainability practices.”


Alana Collins

Alana Collins, vice president and full-time MBA student, is passionate about the work the Graduate Net Impact chapter does because she has always wanted to help her community and its people in achieving their goals.

“The Graduate Net Impact chapter focuses on bringing sustainability efforts into communities and is a place where a diverse group of people can come and use their skills for good,” she says.

Merritt Rae

Meritt Rae, director of communications and full-time MBA student, says sustainability is definitely her biggest passion and one of the main reasons she decided to pursue an MBA degree. Because of The Graduate Net Impact chapter, she is able to engage with students, faculty and community members who are also interested in sustainability.

“I am really happy that I get to play a role in establishing this chapter that will allow future students to help promote sustainability initiatives in our community,” she said.

Holden says that personally, she has gained an immense amount of leadership skills through the Graduate Net Impact chapter. As president, she had to build a diverse team while facing challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. She says her team has risen to overcome these challenges, and she was grateful to be there to support them.

Collins said that throughout her time as the vice president for the Graduate Net Impact chapter, she has gained leadership skills, expanded her network and developed her knowledge of sustainability while gaining a sense of belonging.

The University of Arkansas and Walton MBA have also benefitted from the founding of the Graduate Net Impact chapter. Holden said, “A diverse range of speakers have come and presented, and the Net Impact Conversations series is open to the entirety of the university, regardless of graduate status.” The Graduate Net Impact chapter also allows MBA students to connect with students from outside of the MBA program, in realms that the students are passionate about.

“We build our projects based on the talents of the member that we have, and MBA students get that benefit as well,” Holden said.

Rae said the speakers the chapter has hosted have been highlights for her. Dr. Riane Eisler, author of The Real Wealth of Nations, spoke at the first book club event. Rae said, “She talked about sustainability and the flaws in our economic system and it was really an eye-opening conversation for me. Seeing how engaged the students were and all the great questions that were asked was a very proud moment for the organization.”

The Graduate Net Impact chapter is open to all graduate students at the University of Arkansas. The Graduate Net Impact chapter also has multiple officer positions opening up at the end of the semester, including vice president, director of communications, assistant director of communications and speaker series chair. To join our chapter and/or to apply for an officer position, please fill out the following Google form: G-NI: Membership Application Form. For any questions, please contact Madison Holden or Alana Collins at