Walton MBA Insider

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Farewell to Walton MBA Student Workers

We are saying goodbye to three incredible student workers as they leave for local internships. Ashley Perone, Chrissy Matlock and Cornelia Swardh have been instrumental in assisting staff and helping to organize key Walton MBA events. Each student worker has been awarded a yearlong internship with local corporations and will be moving to the next chapter in their professional development.

05/11/2020 | By Sarah Williamson

Walton MBA Student Spotlight: Giang Dang Vu

The Walton MBA Program believes in the value of a diverse cohort. Students come from a variety of backgrounds, with different undergraduate degrees and from different parts of the world. International students add variety to the MBA program by offering unique perspectives and enriching class discussion.

05/11/2020 | By Sarah Williamson

Sustainability and Resiliency in Times of Uncertainty with Dr. Christy Melhart Slay

Christy Melhart Slay, director of technical alignment for The Sustainability Consortium, a global organization co-led by the University of Arkansas and Arizona State University that helps industries “define, develop and deliver more sustainable products,” earned her Ph.D. in biological sciences from the University of Arkansas in 2010. As a graduate student she was interested in sustainability and the intersection of science and business.

05/11/2020 | By Alexandra Goforth

Ben Davis and Jeff Cady Receive 2020 Outstanding Graduating Student Awards

Healthcare Executive MBA students, Ben Davis, medical director of the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, and Jeff Cady, associate director of strategic accounts at Johnson and Johnson Health Care Systems, were recognized on April 24 as outstanding graduating students from the Walton College Class of 2020

05/11/2020 | By Alexandra Goforth

Alumni Spotlight: Kenny Bierman

Kenny Bierman, a 2015 full-time MBA graduate, works for PepsiCo as a senior category adviser for Walmart. Before Bierman began his journey in the MBA, he worked for more than eleven years for the U.S. Air Force. His journey towards his MBA was non-traditional, but the experience helped transform his career.

03/27/2020 | By Sarah Williamson

A Message from the Director

This newsletter comes out at a time when we confront significant challenges resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods of working, teaching, and living have changed.

03/27/2020 | By Vikas Anand

2019 Walton MBA Faculty of the Year

Every year, the Walton College MBA Faculty of the Year award is bestowed upon an exceptional faculty member to recognize their influence as an educator and a leader among the MBA and Executive MBA (EMBA) programs.

03/27/2020 | By Sarah Williamson

A Digital Revolution in Retail with Focus on Walmart

Daniel Eckert, former senior vice president of Walmart Services and Digital Acceleration, says customers are changing how, where and when they shop, and a harmonized commerce ecosystem—the seamless integration of physical and digital retail environments—will win the future of retail.

02/28/2020 | By Alexandra Goforth

Elizabeth Arredondo Shares on the Value of Internships

Corporate internships are a critical experience for MBA students. Experience gained in an internship expands learning beyond what can be taught in a classroom. Students experience firsthand how classroom lectures apply to work performed in the office. Elizabeth Arredondo, 2018 Walton MBA alumna, shares on the value of internships.

02/28/2020 | By Sarah Williamson

Alumni Spotlight: Bill Fedorchak

The idea of returning to academia as a ‘non-traditional student’ may be intimidating to some, especially after spending nearly a quarter of a decade in the industry. 2017 E.M.B.A. graduate Bill Fedorchak explains how the experience challenged and benefited him in more ways than he expected.

01/28/2020 | By Sarah Williamson

The Nielsen Academy

Nielsen joins forces with Walton MBA to create student-centered, community-based learning and professional development opportunities for MBA students.

01/24/2020 | By Alexandra Goforth

New Members Join the Alumni Advisory Board

The Walton MBA Alumni Advisory Board is crucial to the success of the M.B.A. programs. Alumni provide valuable insight and leadership, ensuring that the curriculum remains relevant during times of change in industry. Meet our three newest alumni board members and hear what they believe they each bring to the program.

01/24/2020 | By Sarah Williamson

Executive Education Launches Pop-Up Programs

The Walton College Executive Education now offers Business Foundations, a program designed to develop business the skills needed to run organizations in leaders who lack business backgrounds. The customizable program, which can be delivered in various locations, is ideal for organizations who looking to broaden their business acumen and enhance their decision making skills.

01/24/2020 | By Alex Blythe

8 Ways to Pay for Your MBA

Program costs can feel like an overwhelming barrier between you and your MBA. From full tuition waivers to study abroad travel assistance, Walton MBA offers several scholarship and funding opportunities for the full-time and executive MBA programs.

01/24/2020 | By Alexandra Goforth