Founded in 1969, Acxiom (Nasdaq:ACXM) is headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas, and serves clients around the world from locations in the United States, Europe, Asia-Pacific and South America.

Accessing the Acxiom Dataset
The Acxiom dataset is contained within the Walton College of Business's Enterprise Systems.
The dataset can be accessed with SQL queries within the University of Arkansas's Remote Desktop environment. The best way to access the dataset would be within the University's Teradata SQL Assistant software or Microsoft SQL Management Studio (Systems).
Once an account is obtained, the Acxiom database can be queried as fit by the user.
Access To This Dataset
Access to this dataset is for educational use and Systems Access must be requested and approved prior to use. Once access has been approved, the Data Dictionary and Entity Relationship Diagram is available by logging into the requested system and selecting the Instructions tab.
Note: By legal agreement, It is forbidden to download the data from the University of Arkansas systems. This will be strictly enforced.
Request Systems AccessBehind the Data
Acxiom is a recognized leader in technology and marketing services that enable marketers to successfully manage audiences, personalize consumer experiences and create profitable customer relationships. They combine consumer data and analytics, databases, data integration and consulting solutions for personalized multichannel marketing strategies. Acxiom leverages over 40 years of experience in data management to deliver high-performance, highly secure reliable infrastructure-management services.
The Dataset
The Acxiom InfoBase Demographic Database consists of extensive demographic data current as of December, 2011. The UA_ACXIOM table has 874 columns and 1,275,306 rows. Included are the PersonicX Clusters – Classic, LifeStage Groups, Insurance Groups, Financial Groups, and Digital—as well as population density, ethnic groups and other supporting data used to create the clusters.
- Family-Ethnicity-Population
- Travel Purchases
- Weeks since last order, By Product
- Media Usage
- Number of orders, by catalog
- Products
- Life Status/Interests
- Household/Home Data
- Vehicle Data
- Miscellaneous