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Human Skills, NOT Soft Skills

Quit calling them "soft skills" already! Soft skills - communication, collaboration, resourcefulness, resliience - are highly social, "human" skills.

09/03/2024 | By Stacey Mason

Happiness Begets Engagement

Conversations about employee engagement often focus on many factors, but what roles does happiness play? Happipness can - and often does - beget happiness.

11/09/2023 | By Stacey Mason

EQ is the Game Changer

If you only study one more thing in your life, please spend your energy developing greater EQ. EQ is a true game changer for those who foster it.

08/24/2023 | By Stacey Mason

There's No Monopoly on Wisdom

Business books are bound to offer some profound insights, but what about more unlikely sources? Discover what children's books can teach us about leadership.

07/21/2022 | By Stacey Mason

Coaching for Perspective

What does coaching look like in a business setting? Find out how coaching can shape your perspective and why it should be a cornerstone of your office culture.

06/16/2022 | By Stacey Mason


Words have meaning and we should choose them carefully. These phrases will help you develop richer connectivity, truer exploration, and a shifting mindset.

05/24/2022 | By Stacey Mason

Repacking Your Bags

If life is the proverbial road trip, then it might serve us well to stop every now and then to check what we have packed in our bags.

01/31/2022 | By Stacey Mason

Put Your Whole Self In

When did we stop becoming fearless? Or stop believing in our own creativity? Or afraid to take center stage? Let's figure out how we can come back to ourselves!

12/13/2021 | By Stacey Mason

Maps and Globes

Seth Godin's analogy of maps & globes reminds us to think broadly, with context rather than deeply/narrowly, to consider general relevance plus specialization.

11/22/2021 | By Stacey Mason

A Conversation on Perspective

One of my favorite improv exercises is Fortunately/Unfortunately, which helps us focus on our own unique perspective, belief systems, and examine our intentions.

10/27/2021 | By Stacey Mason

Future-Proof Skill Building

Want to become future-proof? Take Stacey's advice to stay curious, encounter new ideas often, and develop a higher level of intellectual adaptability.

08/18/2021 | By Stacey Mason

More Improv Advice in Translation

I have found that most advice is worthy of thorough examination. Often advice pertaining to one discipline – with just a bit of translation – has meaning in other disciplines.

06/03/2021 | By Stacey Mason

15 People You Need on Speed Dial

I thought I would share the 15 people that I keep on speed dial. Not so much individuals but rather perspectives that I rely on as I navigate the journey that is called life.

11/18/2020 | By Stacey Mason

The Art of Effective Communication

In a world that contains this many word choices, coupled with nuances in delivery method and tone (how I say what I say), perhaps it is no wonder that effective communication can be tricky. But to triumph over the tricky simply requires a few techniques.

09/10/2020 | By Stacey Mason

Improv Advice in Translation

I have found that most advice is worthy of thorough examination. Often advice pertaining to one discipline – with just a bit of translation – has meaning in other disciplines.

08/27/2020 | By Stacey Mason

The Path to Customer Centric Leadership

Procter & Gamble’s decision to open an office in Fayetteville, Arkansas, in 1987 was a seminal moment in the history of corporate retail, but it also became a catalyst for changes that, among many other things, have helped shape and transform the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas.

08/20/2020 | By Stephen Caldwell

Replace Judgment with Curiosity

Replace judgment with curiosity. I don’t know if these words found me or if I found them, but they have transformed my life, my work, and my understanding of human-ness.

08/06/2020 | By Stacey Mason

Boundary Spanning in Search of Something Useful

It turns out that I spend a fair amount of time each day doing something that I’d never heard of just a few years ago: boundary spanning. At least I think that’s what I’m doing. I was pretty sure until I looked this phrase up and came away unexpectedly confused.

07/23/2020 | By Stephen Caldwell

Two-Word Lessons to My 20-Something Self

I never put myself in a state of anguish wondering what might have been … could have been … should have been. Rather, I think about the lessons I’ve learned that have shaped me and placed me exactly where I’m supposed to be.

05/28/2020 | By Stacey Mason

Building the Right Culture

Building culture; that’s the tougher part of the equation because it feels like a paradox – contradicting pieces and parts merging to create an environment that ebbs and flows over the life of the organization. It’s a beautiful thing to watch when it’s done well.

05/28/2020 | By Stacey Mason

Where the Magic Happens

I am a big fan of the sciences. I’m an even bigger fan of the arts. And I’m fanatic about the intersection of the two because that’s where the magic happens.

04/23/2020 | By Stacey Mason

Six Ways Hosting a Podcast Strengthens Your Leadership

I have plenty of demands on my time, and I am careful not to intentionally add anything to my plate that doesn’t clearly add value to the people I serve, so launching the Be EPIC podcast about a year ago was a strategic decision. I’m happy to report that the results have exceeded my expectations – not just because of the benefits to the Walton College but also because of how it has helped my growth as a leader.

10/24/2019 | By Matt Waller